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The goal of PRT is a therapeutic approaches specifically developed for the treatment of chronic pain and numerous other chronic physical conditions. It has a strong and growing evidence base. It is based on the latest in pain neuroscience that has taught us many of these symptoms result from an over sensitized brain misinterpreting safe messages from the body as if they were dangerous rather than actual tissue damage or injury. In other words, neuroplastic pain is a false alarm We help clients retrain the brain to respond to signals from a space of safety and subsequently break the cycle. It recognizes that our thought, emotions, and behaviors are intricately connected to our bodies. It offers easy-to-learn, structured interventions -- such as Somatic Tracking and Leaning into Positive Sensations -- to help you learn to attend to all embodied sensations through a distinct lens of safety, thus deactivating the learned neuropathways and create new responses

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